Projecte d’enriquiment: The hidden treasure

We’re so excited to announce that the project “The Hidden Treasure” has begun! This project consists of uncovering some beautiful paintings made by Joan Jové which were exhibited at Sala Quijote, a room inside the building called Societat Coral Erato. After lots of changes (change of owners, of functions, etc.), these paintings were moved by Rodolfo Márquez (the current president of the society) to a room where neither light nor humidity could harm them. Thanks to this, the paintings are in quite good condition these days. But now, let’s talk about what we did.

 On Tuesday 19th October, after the first break, we met at the door with our mates and teachers and went to a building called Societat Coral Erato, which is very close to our high-school. When we arrived, the president of the society welcomed us. He opened the door and led us to the third floor, where the paintings were stored.

 There were lots of paintings so we put on gloves and started taking the panels out of the room. We put them in the elevator and carried them down to the second floor, where we have a room to work in. While carrying them, we saw some numbers and letters (A, B, C or no letter) on the back of the panels and we deduced that those letters were written there in order to know how the paintings were originally arranged. While some of us were taking out the panels, the others were trying to put the panels in order inside the room. When we had all the panels together, we deduced that the room in which the paintings were exhibited many years ago was rectangular, because every letter meant a wall, so there were two walls which were larger than the other two.

 When we had all the panels arranged, we took some and put them in order in order to see how the paintings were connected between them. It was beautiful.